Monday, 30 September 2013

Adopt Stevenson Britannia!

Students, families and friends! Don't forget to sign up to adopt Stevenson Britannia with "Indigo Adopt a School".  It is free to sign up! Click the link below.

*  You can also go to Chapters Polo-Park to purchase books for Stevenson. 

Indigo Adopt Stevenson

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Another look inside our classroom...=)

Carpet games... Cooperative learning with math and wordwork! 

4/5s are so helpful and responsible! 

The 4/5s were excited to mentor younger students in art class.

Art share with crazy hair!

The class made some wonderful artwork.  The assignment incorporated a  self portrait representation mixed with abstract "crazy hair", fine line, lettering and color.  

If you look closely..We embedded our names into our hair!

Reading Buddies

Here we are reading to the kindergarten students.  We are working on our fluency, and accuracy when reading out loud or to others.  

The first day of classes always calls for a full class photo!  Can you tell that room 3 loves to read? 

We sure know how to take a picture!



A month of learning!

Room 3 students, family and friends...  Thank you for your patience!  I have been waiting for the media release forms to be returned so that the class could share their photos from the classroom.  Now that September is just about over lets take a peek at what the grade 4's and 5's have been up to!